Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Forgive the Delay...

I started the new semester going strong, but due to a lack of reader feedback, I lost my momentum. So...let me fill you in on what has been going on lately.

6th grade are angels. We are starting our unit on World War II.

7th grade are up and down, but still very manageable. We are starting what I hope to be an awesome unit. I'm hitting the standards for political parties and branches of government, but we're going to do it by studying the Civil Rights Movement. (After all, it IS black history month.)

8th grade is still pretty out of control. However, a few have shown impressive improvement, so I'm mollified for now (notice I didn't say happy - at least with them).

Big news!!! We won our first game on January 30th!!! It went into overtime, and in the three minute overtime, we scored 7 and they were held scoreless. We resume the season after two weeks off on the 20th. Our last four games are against rich white schools. Should be interesting.

More big news...I had a meeting today at the Office of Catholic Schools, so I was not at school this afternoon. Within 30 minutes of leaving, 2 of my 7th grade boys started fighting (really fighting). Luckily two of my other boys pulled them apart and helped my sub sort them out. The great news? The two that pulled them apart aren't exactly the two that you might immediately think would be breaking-up-a-fight material. Quite the opposite on most days, actually.

Anyway...our community supervisor came in this afternoon. Her job is to make sure we're a functioning community. I've not been around much between basketball and annoyance with some housemates, so what happened on the first evening of her visit? My phone died while I was at school (where I stayed until 8:30), so I missed the memo on our community dinner outing. Yeah, doesn't look too good.


  1. You don't know me but I've been following your blog for awhile. I'm an ACE 12 now teaching in Chicago. Just wanted to let you know it sounds like you're doing a great job on finding your way to becoming a master teacher. Don't fret the little stuff and stay the course. Also, don't over-think the mistakes with community. I made plenty of them along the way, but learned more about myself from them than in any period of my life because of their feedback and support, especially the "constructive criticism". What is most important is giving them the time and open communication they deserve and your upfront honesty no matter what happens.

    Just know there are people out there wishing you the best and praying for you to make it through an amazing two years of God's work. Peace. - Ricky

  2. Reader feedback, reader feedback, reader feedback,reader feedback,reader feedback,reader feedback...

    There, that should last me a while. ;) I read all of your posts. Gives me something to do at work! Hope all is well!
