Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh, The Good 'Ole Days

I miss the days when I could pull a really late night getting things done at the last minute and only have to drag myself out of bed presentable enough to mope to class and either fall asleep or sit there in a stupor until returning to the comfy confines of my dorm room to take a nap with Law and Order playing all afternoon in the background.

I miss those days because last night I went up to the wire doing some classwork for ACE that was due at midnight. Then I still had to write two exams that I've given today. And I won't be able to sleep until AFTER I do basketball practice and write a test that I'm giving to 8th grade tomorrow.

Yesterday was fun because we had a new seating chart in all three classes. Only 4 people had to be sent to the office for absolutely refusing to move where they were told to sit. A whole lot more complained vociferously, so I think that means I may have done a good job with the new assignments.

I had just told someone two nights ago that I had yet to yell at any of my classes this semester. I promptly turned around and blew up on a kid yesterday. I don't really feel that bad about it, because it was only directed at one student. He never raises his hand, he "Mr Clarys" me incessantly. Until I stop what I'm saying to tell him to stop "Mr Clarying" me. Yesterday, I interrupted myself to stop him, and within 3 minutes he was back at it even louder. I didn't even pause, I just cranked up the volume (a lot) and yelled at him, "THAT IS NOT HOW YOU GET MY ATTENTION! STOP MR CLARYING ME!!!" Then 8th grade wasted the last five minutes of class. So I took them across the hall for dismissal and they kept wasting time. Fifteen minutes later, they were finally quiet (this is 15 minutes after they were supposed to be dismissed from class). By the time we got out, it was 3:25. We dismiss at 3:00. Unfortunately for the kid I came down on, his cell phone went off right before I dismissed him. I took it up (they aren't allowed to have them out or on until 3:30), and turned it in to the office. He was carpooling yesterday, so he couldn't get his phone back since his parents weren't picking him up.

Today I'm collecting 8th grade 10 minutes early from lunch to practice entering my room and sitting quietly. If we can't get it done in that amount of time, it'll be 15 minutes tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I may work out a way that I can take them during PE - all I would have to do is get someone to do something with my class for their extension class.

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