Saturday, January 16, 2010

Never Put the New Guy in Charge of Detention

I was eaten alive. It was more chaotic than any lesson I've ever tried to get through. The kids basically rioted, yelled, laughed, joked, refused to sit down, refused to get to work, etc. Sister Nancy had to yell a few times, and it still didn't settle them down. (I maintained my New Year's resolution by refraining from yelling myself.) I spoke with several parents last night as I waited for my flight to depart Mobile.

I just watched Governor McDonnell be sworn in as the 71st Governor of Virginia this morning in Richmond, VA. It was a really cool ceremony, and he gave an awesome Inaugural Address. We have a Ball tonight and are visiting UVA tomorrow. I'm here with a few close friends from ND, and a few new friends from ND that I just met last night.

I was lucky to make it. I was a little distracted by a conversation I had with a parent last night, and I called my school's counselor on the phone during my layover in Charlotte. I got to my next gate and paced for a while before realizing I had walked off and left the bag I checked at the gate in Mobile. Just as I hurried off to get it back, they called my name at my gate to tell me I'd forgotten it. To make a long story short, I remained on the phone the entire time discussing school stuff, and in the end the plane departed 10 minutes late because they waited for me to get back. So, next time my flight is delayed 10 minutes or so, I will be much less impatient.

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